Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hey everybody what is your favorite anime. My favorite anime is Rurouni Kenshin. Rurouni Kenshin is about a swordsmen who killed many people during the revolution in Japan. the man who is named Kenshin wants to repent for all the deaths he caused. so he decided to go around Japan helping people. He stops in Tokyo, and stays with this girl running a dojo. He meets epic friends, and epic enemies with awesome battles. If you have not watched Rurouni Kenshin you really need to it is a great anime is one of the greatest samurai animes out there on most of the lists it is number 1.


  1. Yeah I seen rurouni kenshin it's amazing I love sasnsuke my favorite anime with out a doubt is deathnote I also liked fairy tail sword art online and full metal alchemist.

  2. sanosuke is epic. i actually have the complete manga series of death note, full metal alchemist, and Naruto. Death note is amazing I love that anime it is so well written to all the people who have not seen Death note watch it now it is an epic story. sword art online was recommended to me by a great friend it is really good, and clever it shows very well how Japan has great technology. Fairy tail was recommended to me by another friend it is really good i liked it but. i thought some parts were a little weird i definitely recommend fairy tail to people with time on their hands.

  3. This is a great blog so far I have a question though who do you think is the cutest anime character and the sexiest anime character.

  4. Tenten from Naruto is the cutest without a doubt as for the sexiest i would say Yoko from Gurren Lagann or Chidori from full metal panic.

  5. anybody have any other opinions please share them!!!!
